The Added Quality of Premastering
For many of you, getting discs made simply involves mailing off your master, and then getting a shipment of replicated discs at your door days later. Of course, a lot happens during that time that you might not be aware of. For instance, each master we receive for replication goes through a pre-mastering process, where playability and authoring (if applicable) are analyzed. Even if an audio CD or DVD master plays fine on your player, the data itself could still contain errors; errors which could cause compatibility issues on certain players. Using our Eclipse system, structural elements of the discs are examined, including sectors and VOBU length, coding, IFO and BUP files. As complicated as this might sound, pre-mastering essentially lets our customers know that their replicated discs will be as accurate as possible. By testing each master before we replicate, and notifying you of any potential concerns, we ensure a higher quality replicated disc. It's just another way we strive to get you the best quality product possible.