Friday, December 05, 2008

Going, Going, Going, GREEN!

It seems like everyone is going green nowadays. It is everywhere, so I think it is safe to say it is the “trendy” thing to do right now. In my opinion this trend is one that should stay. I think it is great that companies, not just citizens, are deciding that it is time to think about how we affect our planet. Even Apple has released their first family of Green Notebook computers.

Now I’m no tree-hugger, but I try to do my part in lessening my “carbon footprint.” Recycling is probably the easiest thing anyone can do to make a small impact on the environment. It takes two seconds to throw that can or bottle in a recycling bin instead of your trashcan.

Recently the Milwaukee County Zoo started using compostable plastic cups in the Flamingo CafĂ©. These totally clear cups are made from bioplastic. It’s really quite amazing that this plastic can be composted and not have any harmful impact on the environment. I hope they start using these cups in all of their Concessions once they reopen in the Spring.

GLMT has also taken steps in the green direction. We recently introduced our ChooseGreen option for our custom packaging. We have also started offering a recycled green jewel case. The clear green case is made of 30% postconsumer materials and the forest green tray is made of 100% postconsumer materials.

In addition, we are also reducing paper waste by giving our clients the option to receive their quotes and invoices digitally instead of on paper. Any paper waste we do have is recycled, along with plastic, cardboard, glass and scrap discs. It’s hard to imagine the amount of waste GLMT alone would be putting into the landfill if we did not recycle.

As you can see whether your company is making computers, serving concessions at the zoo, manufacturing discs or anything in between, we can all do something to impact the environment in a positive way.

Let’s turn this green trend into something more, and keep our environment healthy!

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Netflix To Stream Through Blu-Ray Players
In an attempt to combine the convenience of watching online movies and watching a high definition picture, Netflix and some blu-ray player manufacturers are teaming up to allow subscribers to stream movies through blu-ray players. Despite the current economic environment, demand for blu-ray players have risen due to the dramatic decrease in prices and the ending of the format war. Online streaming has been on the rise for years.

This collaboration is really a win-win for both companies. Online movies will now be up-converted from standard definition to near HD quality - although there is still a striking difference between up-converted standard definition picture quality and full 1080p blu-ray picture quality. This also should drive Netflix subscribers to purchase blu-ray players. The only warning is that once you go high-def, you'll never want to go back!

Monday, December 01, 2008

Marketing In A Recession

Well it is now official - according to the National Bureau of Economic Research the United States has been in a recession since December of 2007. Many companies are probably thinking that cuts have to be made...but where? Marketing? No way says a study conducted by McGraw-Hill Research. The study found that business-to-business firms that maintained or increased their marketing expenditures during past recessions averaged significantly higher sales growth both during the recession and for the following three years than those which eliminated or decreased marketing.

There is no doubt that recessions are scary, but this should be a time when marketing your product or company can be seen as a real opportunity for growth. While others are cutting back in hopes that the recession passes, proactive marketing can propel a company to gain a significant competitive advantage in brand equity.

How is your company going to take advantage of this recession?