Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Blu-Ray or HD-DVD vs. Digital Downloading? Discs are Here to Stay!

EngadgetHD, a leading blogger on high definition, posted 10 reason discs will remain as a viable medium! I thought they were very insightful.

1. They offer the best picture and sound quality.
2. You own the disc, no one can expire it or take it away.
3. Discs still cost less per GB than a Hard Disc.
4. Discs don't 'just' go bad and cause you to lose your movies.
5. Discs are portable and can be shared with friends.
6. Eventually HDM players will cost less than upconverting DVD players.
7. Xbox Live Marketplace HD expires and is locked to the device.
8. HD VOD is limited in selection and availability.
9. Even when VUDU gets HD, it costs too much, and the content is locked on the box.
10. HD Movie channels crop, compress, and offer worse audio than DVD.

Source- EngadgetHD

GLMT StoriesAnnual Holiday Disc Unveiled!

GLMT and SoundByteStudios Team up for this year's 2007 Holiday Greetings Disc.

Every year we have the pleasure of sharing our passion for the season by teaming up with one of our customers to create a special offering to all of our valued partners.
This year we teamed up with SoundByte Studios, a Chicagoland choral recording specialist, to bring you a very special recording of the Lake Forest High School Choir under the direction of Timothy Haskett.

As we approach this special time of year, we would like to send you our 2007 Holiday Greetings CD for FREE!! Please click here and include your name, address, and way we can serve you better in 2008 to receive your 2007 Holiday Greetings CD in time for the holidays!