Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Sharing Business Ideas Through Digital Media

Featuring presentations from renowned authors and business experts, the LeaveSmarter series, hosted by 800ceoread, offers Milwaukee area business people a forum for new business ideas. Each event will be captured on video, compiled with other exclusive footage and author related documents, and presented on CD media which will then be distributed by 800ceoread within a limited number of author-signed books. To accomplish this, 800-CEO-READ has partnered with us. This partnership creates a platform where multiple publishing formats and live experiences create interaction between attendees, authors, and the business community at large.

GLMT Receives Government Contract
The U.S. General Services Administration offers government agencies a resource of vendors for a variety of services. GLMT is now a certified vendor within this resource. If you work within a government agency or know someone who does, contact us through the GSA vendor network at
Versatile Media
Looking for a convenient media format that can be carried in your pocket, has unlimited file-transfer capabilities, works with any USB drive, and has your logo printed on it? GLMT now offers in-house duplication of USB drives. Available in a variety of capacity sizes (256MB - 1GB+), our duplication process also includes verification of content to ensure that the duplicated files are exact matches of the input files. After duplication, we can print your logo on the shell, and package the drive in a variety of methods for your distribution; lanyards, gift boxes, and other options are available. Contact us to find out more about how to utilize this unique portable media format.