Friday, June 02, 2006

Revolutionary Visual Media Packaging: Steelbook

An amazing development in packaging, the SteelBook consists of a metal exterior and an inner core of plastic (similar to a standard DVD case), with outer dimensions exactly the same as a standard DVD case.

Creative use of packaging can ensure that your product or promotional media attracts attention, and Steelbook is one of the most impressive examples of this we've seen in a long time. The product offers a full range of design possibilities and is suitable for printing and embossing. Print on metal is approaching photographic quality, and as a medium, metal can create unique aesthetic qualities able to capture both a modern and contemporary feel. Also, decorated tins have often become collectors' items and valued gifts in themselves. From a promotional, marketing and selling standpoint, Steelbook is a total packaging solution. Call us to discuss how this packaging can work for your project.

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