Thursday, June 12, 2008

Trends in Media: USB Flash Drives for Marketing and Promotion

It has become increasingly enticing to look into USB Sticks or “Thumb Drives” as a promotional tool or a way to distribute information. They can serve as an eye-catching handout at a tradeshow or a mail out premium with preloaded promotional information.

However, the volatility in price and availability is often hampered by the demand for flash memory generally by other consumer product applications (i.e. cameras, cell phones, etc.) CD and DVD is still the most cost effective way to deliver rich media content for read-only presentations.

GLMT is looking forward to future investments in this product, but we need your help! Let us know how you plan to use USB Flash Drives in the future by shooting us a quick email. Or hit the comment section on the blog to leave your thoughts for all!

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