Friday, December 12, 2008

Top Five Reasons To Buy a Blu-ray Player

Courtesy of GLMT, Inc.

5. Your DVDs are not HD. No matter what the label says. Sure upconverting DVD players make your DVDs look better but they are not HD. Don't believe it. There is a BIG difference and if you don't see it, your player is not hooked up properly.

4. Sound. If you have a surround sound system, chances are your system will benefit from the much higher data rates of the Blu-ray format out of the box. My surround system is 5 years old and it is shocking how much more dynamic the channel seperation was on blu-ray audio with old school audio codecs.

3. $140. Resist the temptation to replace that malfunctioning or lost ipod this Christmas and invest in something that you will actually use on a consistent basis. Blu-ray players are selling at a discount. $140? C'mon! Remember when you would drop $100 just for an HDMI cable.

2. Your TV Wants One. If you have an hdtv, it has been fed a diet of low bit rate cable or dish hd or low bit rate DVDs that claim they are upconverting to HD. Your TV wants a steak. Let it maximize its performance with HD.

1. Rediscover the Magic of Movie Making. When I bought my blu-ray player, I realized something. Movies are fun to watch again. Movies are brilliant. The immersive display of sound and color lend credence to the true masterpieces of American moviemaking. A blu-ray player will entertain you and your friends and family cheaply and brilliantly. Done deal.


Anonymous said...

what type of equipment do you guys use?

Tim said...

When we test our outputted BD-rs we use the PS3.